Participate in the annual Impulse Network Essay Competition
We offer
- A reputable jury composed of academics and sports industry professionals
- Publishment of winning essay on our Impulse Network Website
- Free trip to St. Gallen Switzerland as a Global Talent for the top 3 authors and CHF 5000 for the winning essay
- The chance to present your idea as part of an Impulse Session
We ask for
- Individual students voluntarily commit their time to the essay next to their regular studies
- Interest in content-based discussions and intergenerational dialogue
- A qualitative added value by the next generation
Topic 2022
The ideological, cultural, economic and political power of sport and going beyond its core purpose – How can organizations learn from embracing an athelete’s mentality to drive actual change?
The concept of athletes at the center of attention receiving substantial praise and recognition for their performance has outlasted every societal change over the last hundred years. Whether it is the entertainment, inspiration or performance aspect as the main driver for the everlasting interest, it is all driven by the mentality and commitment the athlete(s) have towards their sport. But what is commonly known as an athlete’s mentality is still lacking a clear definition. How do the top- performing athletes advance their skills, push boundaries, find their role inside a team? What drives them and what keeps them from giving up? Questions, if deliberately answered, are not just relevant to sports teams or coaches but to every manager leading an innovative and forward- thinking organization. The answers should have changed over the last years, as athletes have taken a more powerful and influential role in society that go beyond its core intended purpose, but doesn’t that make them even more relevant for innovative and groundbreaking practices inside an organization?
Please provide your own definition of an athlete’s mentality. Explain how sports organizations can gain a competitive advantage in the market by taking a more holistic approach to corporate management by embracing characteristics, attitudes and methods of an athlete? Include both employer and employee perspectives taking into account the generational workplace change.