Impact for structures of the industry.
Sports is not only one of the largest hobbies on earth, but also has wide connections to public institutions on all levels, making its underlying industry structure more transparent than for more privatized and larger industries. This transparency offers the unique opportunity to gain a holistic view of governance and political structures to develop future-focused solutions, applicable beyond sports.
Public and private institutions as well as the general industry need firm yet agile and transparent governance structures to grow. On our platform, we aim to create unique and valuable insights to define the future of the European sports system.
Our general approach for projects on these platforms is to onboard a team of dedicated students that complete either a workshop or longer-term industry project with a partner on a question relevant to the industry. This practical approach created profound and deep insights combining academic knowledge and practical challenges. We would like to thank our partners for the insightful current and past collaborations.
Hot Topics
Impulse Summit 2023
The 2023 Impulse Summit explored the intricate connection between emotion and business in the sports industry. A compelling theme, 'Global Fans, Local Rights', explored the evolving dynamics of sports streaming and its impact on the broadcasting industry. With new entrants changing the landscape, the role of financial institutions, the economic impact of media rights inflation and future regulatory prospects were explored. The "Inflated Football" session looked at the financial depths of soccer and questioned the sustainability of rising costs versus fairness. Further discussions dealt with accessibility issues in "From Exclusivity to Inclusivity", a plea for a balanced spectator experience. Niche sports were also in the spotlight and opportunities for greater reach and sustainable growth were explored. In addition, sessions on sporting goods innovation and the paradigm shift in esports underscored the industry's constant quest for adaptation and accountability amid evolving consumer demands and power dynamics.
Project reports and white papers
Learn more about our completed projects and gain direct access to our white papers.
McKinsey & Company | Sporting Goods report
Impulse Network | Global Risk Report
Reach out to learn more
If you are a representative of a company and are interested to work with us on our platforms, reach out to us directly. All interested students can use our Join the Journey section to apply to upcoming projects.
We always welcome any kind of questions about our initiative. Do not hesitate to contact our Platform Management anytime:
Contact Robin Meyer